Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dreams United

And I know that in your mind
You always stop and turn around
To stay a little longer
Because somewhere in your body
It hurts when we are apart

And I know that you listen carefully
To every word I say
They carry a sensation of security
To your violently restless soul
Soothing the pain of being alive

And I know that everytime you see me
Your eyes disclose something new
Something more real than before
More true and more worthy to desire
For every look our dreams unite a little more

And I know that in your dreams
You've kissed my lips a thousand times
Wondered what it would be like
To be let into the inner chambers of my smile
Hold me until the world disappears

And I know how much it hurts
When you never turn around and come back for more
Because you don't hear my heart scream for you to stay
How it begs you to look into my eyes until the world disappears
And you understand that we don't have to be apart